1984, am one of the deserving & fortunate high school students that was vetted & selected by the Marcos Administration to be one of their Scholars & part of a Technological Program (with the help of my Greatest Encourager my mother). In those days, there was a Great Deal of "Communication Dilemma & Void Gap" between Engineers & Skilled Workers. Huge adverse impact against the advancement & development of projects & infrastructures. So our government trained & equipped diversities of technologies & expertise; these selected students - like me, are the "Missing Link" between the Engineers & the Skilled Workers.


The Beginning of my Track Record - In my Grade School years: am a recipient of various awards & recognitions; i was a Cub Scout-Boy Scout & a Gymnast; In Middle School i was a Volleyball, Chess, & Table Tennis Player; had finished required Military Training (COCC) to advance for my College Pre-requisite Military Training (MS11, MS12, MS21, & MS22). Graduated in Hi-School with honors & an overall percentage on NCEE of 98% (equivalent of SAT in the US standard). In College years, am a Special Unit/Paramedic & a Star Point Guard Basketball Varsity Player (1986-1988, 24 pts.avg/game with career highest score in one game of 56pts). Also, i have played Amateur Basketball League in Saudi Arabia at Jeddah later on (1988-1989). Other extracurricular activities & talents are coaching, singing, dancing, acting, choreographing, directing plays &/or mini-musical plays. [My father is my biggest inspiration to what i become & what i am right now. Am a witness & fruit of my father's genius, his hard work & sacrifices.]  On the side, I would like to call myself as a self-made Amateur Photographer, Contemporary Artist (with CAD), Carpentry Hobbyist, Cooking Hobbyist, Dog Trainer Hobbyist, Mechanical - Automotive Enthusiast & many more.


At the age of 19 (1986) i was a working student in one of the prestigious city of Manila - Greenhills, San Juan City, Philippines.


Age 21, I have received my very first promotion & become a Junior Technical Engineer Supervisor, right after my Diploma Graduate in Computer Technology. Almost on the same year, 1988, i was given an opportunity to work with my very 1st overseas job. As a Technical Engineer, my Pay grade was 2nd to the highest among the Technical/Service Engineers & Employees in our company in Jeddah, KSA.


In 1995, a better & much more privileged position came from another Company that enables me to bring my family in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. I became an Assistant to the Finance & Admin Manager, while being the in-house IT Support Specialist.


1997, another Company had acquired my expertise with much, much more benefits, as an Acting Operation Manager. 1999, i was promoted in Saudi Arabia as an IT Supervisor, & then after some months, officially i became an Operation Manager for the IT & Industrial/Office Printers/ Scanners/ Equipment Departments.


2002, My family then & i, have migrated in the US. Lots of adjustments, sacrifices & big decision making! But i have never stop in looking for an organization, a dynamic company that can reciprocate & bring a meaningful value of my "Contributions, Effort, & Sacrifices", & that i can make it a home for my expertise, fashion, skills & dedication that keeps on growing, either in the US &/or abroad.


Today, am now in the middle of my golden age & still on top of my health, no medical maintenance of whatsoever, no vices, & still have a clean bill of health. My more than 20 years in the US, after so many failures & frustrations, hardship & hard work, sweat, blood & tears, perseverance & persistence, in the midst of "all of these"; for 16 years now am a Certified Chaplain & Counselor (Badge No. 2018), twice awardee of the Doctorate Degree in Divinity (Laurea Honoris Causa) by two different Organizations. Never have i any regrets at all. i like what Mr. Michael Jordan has said: "I've failed over & over & over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."

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