Once upon a time, me & my ex-wife are proud parents to her children, they are straight A's students. With my sacrifices, help & guidance, they are able to graduate with honors from the best magnet high school in Las Vegas Nevada, her son is a Valedictorian. They are very bright, grown ups, have their own lives & job now; both can be future-potential-good Leaders of any community & society. Both professionals & have graduated in their respective degrees. Her son has a degree in Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BCompSc - Engelstad Scholar), while her daughter has a degree in Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree in Accounting (BSBA).


As their future were established, now it's time for myself, i still have lots of reasons to pursue my own dreams & not to stop striving for excellence, advancement & improvements in life. i have put my self-value in helping others and make sure that every day is an opportunity to be better than yesterday.


If be given a provision, chance & equal rights, as i keep my bearing & momentum, pursuing my ever growing & non-stop career development in the fields of: Executive Planning, Operations & Projects, Information Technology, Marketing, Customer/End-User Relation & World Class Service, Administration, Management including Corporate skills. In this world of great ambiguties, constant changes & "Science-Technological Adaptation" it is very obvious that "learning never ends". Mr. Tom Chi's quote: "Knowing is the Enemy of Learning" is not far from the facts. By these, i am always prepared to continue for more of higher education, the PhDs in Theology proper or systematic & Anthropology of men & religion, to have even more & deeper knowledge of the Dynamics and Synergy of both Philosophy & Psychology, whenever opportunity presents itself. Being a Team Leader, a Pioneer & a Vanguard are the jewels of my experiences for am always & has been a good follower, consistently embracing responsibility & accountability. It is my passion, incorporating Technology &/in Helping People! i have learned and known so many plausibilities and have seen and experienced so many posibilities; all these gave me great satisfaction & self-fulfillment i needed to be self-reliant & self-motivated, but not limited to.


In pursuit of happiness, advancement, challenges & knowledge in the US, some of the projects/organizations i have worked & exposed with, was in the field of: Hospitality & Operation Management, K-12, Real Estate, Property Management, Loan Modification, Home Health Services, Retail, Fast Food Chain, Hotel Management & Restaurant Hospitality, Churches & Non-Profit Organizations. My unprecedented professional growth included practical-to-date application involving: International Standards, Worldclass Customer Colleague Experience CCX & Technological  know-how; Support; Conventional, Think Tank & Critical Thinking; Brainstorming, Logistics, Planning & more.


Every twists & turns, obstacles, difficulties, hurdles & operation of these projects, tasks, assignments & job have enhanced even more my ability to discover, recover, adapt, learn & innovate in a very timely manner, as always, time is of the essence, our greatest investment. It enables me to be more resilient, tougher, impervious, effective, productive, experienced & greater than from what is expected from me. There is this saying (by Mr. Friedrich Nietzsche) that helps the durability & effectivity of my resiliency: "What doesn't kill you makes you Stronger."


In my more than 30 years as an IT/ Customer-Colleague Service/Support Specialist in the International Arena/Market, i have found enjoyment & unwavering interests for Three Big Reasons: 1st, i could Help to Elevate & Alleviate somebody's life, 2nd, The Positive Chain Reaction in Growing Technological Experience & Knowledge with & in People's lives, 3rdly (but not the least) a Very Rewarding outcome & advancement in many ways & all corners; with such great realization not just in United States of America,  but in the Middle East & even from my native land - Philippines. For me, Location-factor is almost negligible; i never had a problem with all the People in all colors & walks of life; things can be arranged even if i have to work abroad, i would be more than happy to be compliant on all areas at all times.


Learning from different cultures & histories, i have seen that in every turn of success in life, it is essential that we should recognize the roles of women to seal advancement & development. Women's effort & support is an equal & very integral part of every organization's success! Equity & Equality is GOD's idea from the beginning. The Creator did not create inferior nor second rate citizens in any parts of the Worlds.


I have learned &  developed my own Personal Creed in life that makes me Laser Focus & helps me to touch base with my Objectivities: "Serve the Sovereign/Authority well; Love & Respect the Women; Provide for the Children; Help the Needy; Don't be a Burden; & just always choose to be Contented & Happy."


After the pandemic and lockdown pressures (started late 2019 to Early 2023) everything were RESET including my life and career. So my bearing and personal creed are enough reminders, that whatever happens in life, i will not be deterred, i will not stop, i will not give up, i will pursue, i will follow, i will lead, i will help, i will continue & i will do everything to succeed. But will never step on somebody's lives & rights, nor use nor consume nor take advantage of anybody &/nor oppress  anyone just for the sake of mine. If i have to begin again, i will do it,  again & again, with all confidence, patience, tenacity, persistence & humility! For me, death comes first before retirement & age is just a number!

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